Thursday, February 3, 2011

Laura Gemser Naakt Fotos

Today I learned something more about Japan. And it never ceases to amaze me. In addition to the knowledge gained in the Japanese classes (over the pleasant surprise that my oppa gave me the wristband that took months Wanting to Buy> _ <), mi madre me ha recortado una página de una revista sobre lo último en masajes nipones: Dancing on the Water.
Literally in the cut sets:
"Massage Yuthai is the union of joint movements and relaxing exercises (Thai ) with water ( yu ). It is an oriental massage is performed in thermal water, between 34 and 36 degrees, with gentle movements and stretches , simulating a gentle dance. The water is flavored with a delicate and subtle scent of eucalyptus. The floating, almost weightless, providing a sense of lightness and relaxation. Lasts 30 minutes and costs 38 euros.
For that matter to investigate, I have researched the net and I have given to these massage also applied to pets XD.


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