This weekend took place in Sacramento, California AmiWest 2010. Distinguished attendees original Amiga team Sassenrath Carl, the father of the Amiga operating system, and Dale were in AmiWest Luck. They were also responsible for the AmigaOS4 , The X1000 AmigaOne of Individual Computers of Amigakit ...
- Amiga-1000 Prototype
- (???) AA3000
Prototype - Prototype AmigaCD32 "Spellbound" with debug card
- Amiga CDTV CR
- Three new CDTVs
Amiga - Amiga CDTV A Professional Kit
I do a quick summary of the novelties presented at this fair.
Carl brought some of his old toys: - Amiga-1000 Prototype
- (???) AA3000
Prototype - Prototype AmigaCD32 "Spellbound" with debug card
- Amiga CDTV CR
- Three new CDTVs
Amiga - Amiga CDTV A Professional Kit
I do a quick summary of the novelties presented at this fair.
- AmigaOS 4.1 for Classic Amigas with PPC accelerator
- New Accelerators the Amiga 600 and 1200. For the 1200 68EC30 to 28MHz and 64MB of RAM. For the A600 to 68030 25Mhz and 32MB of RAM. It is also possible to go on sale only with RAM card for 1200.
- Indivision
- New for the 1200 AGA will also work in Amiga4000T. DVI output and will use DDR memory.
- SAM460 plate is ready to be marketed soon.
On Sunday there was a competition of games in the booth AmigaDave with the following games: Gods, Tracker Hero, Secret Maryo Chronicles and Super Street Fighter II.
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