Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lime Sulphur Must Dry

The bouquet of lavender

Funny what we remember, said Forrest Gump. I suppose you're curious what we appreciate. On my birthday I got some books, makeup, accessories, each person gave me something according to the part of me that they know. So my surprise when a cousin gave me the strangest thing:

was a handful of lavender, carefully wrapped in a fuchsia color tulle bag and tied with a white bow. She is a fashion designer, so he gave me the impression that I was a part of herself. In fact, the funny thing was that because his family had given me something, and she gave me a book, so the corsage was entirely unnecessary. And as unnecessary was totally spontaneous and extremely significant, as the things we say when we have asked and answered the phrase "rule" and we are not obliged to say anything, the smiles that have no specific reason.

I have the gift in my nightstand, and sometimes I open the drawer and breathe the smell with your eyes closed. In a way, every time I do it and I talked.


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