I hear a "noise" very familiar, that sounds all morning in my ear, but my cell are 05:30 am and begins the eternal battle for wanting to get up. I get to shower and go awake cold but my body has gotten used to the temperature, I go with my jeans, shirt buttons and my Cat, my mother waits with a cup of coffee on the table. I see the clock which marks 6:30, quickly wash my teeth and go almost running as I say goodbye to my mother.
I get to the parking lot where I keep my vehicle, which is the largest of all, but I have been allocated space "at the bottom", with the thousand and one moves out achievement, as well as being the background, my dear parking mates are so aware, that is parked as if they were all night partying ... I struggle with traffic and I get to my classes are at 7:00 am.
Leaving my classes the clock says 8:30, my cell is 8
missed (even if it seems too much happens to me every morning); beginning to match the calls and all the good days are the same "you is busier than the president "," Good morning Mr. Funes "," What a privilege to be waking up now ", to which I have to put a smile on my face because" The customer is always right. "
I reach my office at 09:00, and though I left everything organized with my staff the day earlier, I see their cars parked, went in and they are there, drinking a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper, or just waiting a little check for diesel a day. So here I am overcome stress, upset me, I have almost have to get each of the supervisors and small children who do not want to go to school. Not to mention all the calls are dropping me because "There is no supervision on projects."
are now 10:30 am, I have to make offers, review projects, costs, suppliers charging calls, and suddenly my boss ...
I called his office refers me things I said yesterday, but the not paying attention you forgot, are 11:15 am, I asked for offers, if I reviewed costs, etc. I say no and calls me WHY? I put the same face every morning, I ask God for patience and I answer "in that I am" I turn around and I retire to my office while I check on who were the three calls not answered in the time I was with my boss. Arrive
twelve ... Well this is the first part of my daily life (do not want to bore), which dedicated to my princess. I wish I could understand a little my mood swings ...