Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Clean A Oakley Football Visor

Posadas The return of AmigaOS

The incredible demo Batman Returns, the first magazine Trashcan disk or the mythical Introxele were presented at the Posadas party in 1995. Fifteen years after The Brothers return to celebrate in this town of Cordoba and also remains exclusive Amiga.
This Saturday August 28th at the Philharmonic Center Posadas will meet again the old and new Amigans. The Posadas Amiga Party starts again! More here.

Review on page freesoftware

Review on the blog AmigaMod

Monday, August 23, 2010

V.bernardelli Gardone Mod 60

Yesterday, reading the opinion of a reporter in a column in one newspaper of my beloved country, I realize that is easier to talk, complain and criticize the other, they suggest, be an example and improve the society that each time is worse. respectable columnist, highlighted the fact that our president is very good at talking, making us feel better and to use words and letters to their advantage, that's all he has done all his life, but The hour of truth, to address numbers and budgets have not been able to bring the country much less maintain what we were, and that the environment can breathe a El Salvador worse a year ago. I finished the article and did not find any proposal, strategy and / or any comments to improve all the issues before criticized ... But that happens in 99% of the items that have a national newspaper. Therefore

them comment and propose the following:

1) Do not expect another person (in this case the president, deputies, etc.) we fix the problems. That will not happen.

2) To minimize violence begin by changing ourselves, being polite while driving, the queue at a supermarket bank, etc.

3) Let us be wise. If it is not necessary, not walk late at night in the street, let alone in places of dubious reputation.

4) let's take time to meet people with whom we live, they take it home and with whom we spend every day.

5) Do not we throw garbage on the street. With this "simple" detail not know all that we earn.

I hope we can live in a better country.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lime Sulphur Must Dry

The bouquet of lavender

Funny what we remember, said Forrest Gump. I suppose you're curious what we appreciate. On my birthday I got some books, makeup, accessories, each person gave me something according to the part of me that they know. So my surprise when a cousin gave me the strangest thing:

was a handful of lavender, carefully wrapped in a fuchsia color tulle bag and tied with a white bow. She is a fashion designer, so he gave me the impression that I was a part of herself. In fact, the funny thing was that because his family had given me something, and she gave me a book, so the corsage was entirely unnecessary. And as unnecessary was totally spontaneous and extremely significant, as the things we say when we have asked and answered the phrase "rule" and we are not obliged to say anything, the smiles that have no specific reason.

I have the gift in my nightstand, and sometimes I open the drawer and breathe the smell with your eyes closed. In a way, every time I do it and I talked.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How To Stop Mastubation

25 years displayed

Hyperion Entertainment, current AmigaOS developers have used a tool called Gource to create an animation with all the changes undergone by the operating system since its inception.

This tool uses a registration version control software to extract the authors and files edited and with them creates a video file. Version control is another tool that allows developers to work together on a set of files and to gather and get the changes without too much trouble:)

recommend watching the video in high resolution to see the names of Files and developers, it's pretty funny to watch.